Creating a buzzing bug icon set.

The sketching process helped me to embrace a specific style and rules that each icon would follow. After sketching out new ideas and trying variations of each icon, I was able to narrow it down to three specific styles. Through the feedback of my peers, I was able to select one style to stick with throughout my designing process.
Drafting Process

Some had a hard time determining what bug my dragonfly was. This was less than ideal for me. I knew that in order to make this style work, I needed to make sure it was absolutely clear what bug each icon represented. After discussing with my mentor and taking a step back, I knew I had to break some of the rules I established for my icons. I knew that I needed to keep the head the same size as all the other icons to keep that consistent feel. One rule that I needed to break was to make it longer than the others. A dragonfly’s key features are in the wings and body, so I had to let those features shine. In doing this, I created a new icon that left the audience with no doubt. This new design had a longer body and wings, with legs attached to the body and subtle details to the wings.

Lastly, I realized my icons were all looking a little flat. I noticed that the shadows on my icons weren’t really making sense. That’s when I remembered the shadow details I had on the scorpion. I loved that look, so what if I added that style to every icon? One by one, I tested it out on each icon. Through some trial and error, I added highlighted and shadows to each icon, making them look shinier and bolder.
Finalized Designs