Photographing cabin retreat architecture in Island Park.

Cabin retreat architecture has grown through the years. From tiny homes to beautiful cabins, architecture can make or break the overall design of a cabin.


cabin retreat architecture

For this photo, I had my camera on a tripod and a wide angle lens. I bracketed three images together to capture the dramatic clouds and the highlights in the cabin. The original shutter speed was at 4 seconds, with an aperture of f/22 and ISO 100.


cabin retreat architecture

This photo was taken during the same time as the first one, using the tripod and wide angle lens again. I wanted to get a strain on shot of the cabin. My original shutter speed of the bracketed images was at 3.2 seconds, with an aperture of f/22 and ISO 100.


cabin retreat architecture

Similar to the first two photos, this photo was taken a bit later in the day than the other two. Because of this, I had to have a longer exposure. My shutter speed was at 10 seconds, with an aperture of f.22 and ISO 100.


cabin retreat architecture

This photo was taken the next day a bit earlier to get a different lighting. It is the same setup as another photo, just with different lighting. My shutter speed was at 1/5, with an aperture of f/22 and ISO 100.


cabin retreat architecture

This last photo was taken during the same time as the first photo. I wanted to get more of a closer side view than the first shot. My shutter speed was at 4 seconds, with an aperture of f/22 and ISO 100.

With photos like this, cabin retreat architecture will continue to be an art!